Over Two Million Dollars Raised!

As this is being written, a total of $2,147,194 has been given and/or pledged to this project. This includes the generous donation from four individuals and groups: Dick Rathgeber, an Austin businessman who has contributed to eight hospitality houses in the Southwest area; the Junior League of Amarillo; The Amarillo Area Foundation; and the donation of land and cash from Harrington Regional Medical Center, Inc. In addition to these large donations, we have received more than $65,000 from Sustainers of the Junior League of Amarillo, $40,000 from area physicians, $30,000 in brick sales, and more than $180,000 from other foundations. The project will cost around $3.5 million to I build and furnish. Our hope is that with the last remaining grants and opportunities of giving, we can break ground in 2008!

Thank you to the C.J. & Syble Foundation for their contribution of $95,000 to this project!

It’s official!! Harrington Regional Medical Center, Inc. deeds over land to the Medical Center League House!



In March 2007, Baptist Community Services became another partner in the development of MCLH. Their ability to manage and operate residential facilities makes them the perfect candidate to take over the management of the facility after the construction.